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Google Mobility and COVID-19 in London and Toronto

December 13, 2021

This document for Google Mobility and COVID-19 in London, England and Toronto, Canada was prepared by Dr. John Sina Moin.

LFS Data on Job Loss During COVID-19 for Toronto

November 4, 2021

This document using Labour Force Survey (LFS) Data was prepared by Dr. Fanor Balderrama.

Documentation: Simulated Annealing Algorithm

September 1, 2021

Documentation of Simulated Annealing Method using Census and Labour Force Survey (LFS) Data.

SES Variable Summary from 2016 Census and LFS

July 26, 2021

Spreadsheet of socioeconomic status (SES) variables from 2016 Census and Labour Force Survey (LFS). This document was prepared by Dr. Fanor Balderrama.

Patient Advisors Network (PAN) PGHD Principles

September 30, 2019

This document is a result of collaboration between BeACCoN and PAN which has been commissioned to identify and describe principles for PGHD through the lens of patients and caregivers. We hope these principles will serve to inform and guide any changes in policy, practice and PGHD tool design to protect against misuse and support beneficial use. This document has been prepared for BeACCoN and its stakeholders: Patients and caregivers, developers and innovators, healthcare practitioners, policy makers and researchers.

Patient Generated Data 2.0 Workshop

April 15, 2019

This meeting brought together about 35 patients, researchers, developers, and policymakers to discuss the patient-generated data (PGD) initiative in Ontario (Appendix A).  This is the follow-up to a workshop about patient-generated data in September 2018 hosted by Better Access and Care for Complex Needs (BeACCoN) and the Patient Advisors Network (PAN), which highlighted priorities and challenges around PGD.

Understanding the Collective Impact of SPOR in Ontario

January 21, 2019

Hosted by BeACCoN, a workshop was held at Women’s College Hospital to: understand the collective impact to-date of the SPOR enterprise in Ontario; learn from the successes and challenges; and to coordinate next steps for the future.

This meeting aimed to determine how the SPOR Enterprise has enabled improved health outcomes and enhanced health care experience for patients through integration of evidence at all levels of the health care system. It also aimed to examine the collective impact to date of Patient Oriented Research and how we can work together to enable greater collective impact in Ontario.

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